Tuesday 30 April 2013

Collage magazine plan

                      Plan of my collage magazine
       This plan was made so i have an idea to how i want the layout of my collage magazine to look like. I used the main image from the internet, and produced this on a document called Photoshop. The image of a young woman will attract a more female audience due to there being a female on the front cover. The bright colours make it stand out and make the magazine more eyecatching. The font of the text used is called spirt and i took the image of the barcode from google images. The audience of the magazine would relate to a younger person as the colours do not reflect of being mature and would not attract the audience i am aiming for. The language used in the plan suggests it is targeted at younger people as slang is being used. The title uses slang, instead of saying the full work   ' Gossip' the word 'GOSS' is used, this will atract people that use this sort of lazy language so this will make them feel more confortable buying it because they use the same langauge that is used in the magazine. With the price only being 50p this will make it more acceptable and more aligable for the specif audience which is younger and they will not want to pay lots of money for a magazine that they may not buy for in their spare time.

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