Monday 22 April 2013

Publication Plan

The name of the Magazine is called Listen UP!

Name: ListenUP!

The positioning statement or theme is Pop music.

The frequency of the publication will be monthly.

The price of the magazine is £1.00

The magazine will be distributed around Richmond sixth form to all the sixth formers and also people in Richmond secondary school.

The rationale of my magazine will be aimed at people of the same agr groups as me, this is teenagers at the ages of 16-18. I am going to put short paragraphs in my magazine this will not put the reader of reading it and smaller pieces of imformation are much more snappy than long pages of text. I am relating my magazine to this age group as i know what osrt of things the age group look for when reading a magazine. I am wanting my magazine to be simple and i am going to put in things such as fan reviews and also singer interviews.

The style of my magazine will be informal due to the age group i have chosen. I am wanting to relate my audience langauge to my magazine as this will make them feel more involved when reading. The magazine is going to follow certain bands and singers and this will make it more easy to read throughout.

Regular contents:
- Jessie J shaving her head for comic relif
- The saturdays no.1 single with sean paul
- One directions real thoughts on fame and girls
- N-dubz reuniting
- The wanted confirm their new single
- Rita ora ( how we do party)

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