Tuesday 23 April 2013

Production plan

For my magazine i am going to have to think about all the different areas for my magazine to become successful to the audience i am aiming for. So i am going to have to think about the demographic aspects which are whos is going to be my audience? what age? Which gender? geographic aspects and also are my audeince in employment so that they can purchase the magazine. Also content overview this means what will be in the magazine, such as features and why they are there and also why are they important for my production analysis.
I am also going to have to think of my competitors and what i have to do to relate my magazine to existing ones alsowhat other magazines are like, is it unique. what is my USP unique selling point. Advertising is also another important aspect of my magazine becoming succesful as i need to think who are my  advertisers and why? What is the content to advert ratio and who would advertise my magazine.

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