Monday 8 April 2013

Audience feedback and changes that i made

Front cover

This is the front cover to which was going to be my final copy. I decided to do a audeince feedback and i decided to ask them questions about what they thought my magazine was like and what changes i could do to improve my magazine.
I asked the questions:
  1. What do you overall think of my magazine
  2. How do you think i could improve
  3. What do you like about the magazine
  4. What do you dislike
  5. What do you look for in exsiting  magazines
These are the results that i got back from 5 people i asked.
1. Good, but i think that it could be more eye catching
2. I think it could be improved my adding more colour and also images to which would make the page look more interesting.
3. I like the background of the image which is a wall and this makes it original.
4. I dislike that there is no images and the white colour looks really boring.
5. I look for colour and images which catch my eye and attract me to read the magazine.
1.I think that the image used is really good as it takes up all the page and makes it stand out
2. You could improve it by adding colour and also more text or images in the places which have nothing in as this makes it look dull and empty.
3. I like that the image is really eye catching and that the text is in different angles as this makes it more intereesting.
4. I dislike how the colour does not make the magazine look fun and colourful and i think it could benifit the magazine if there is more colour.
5. I look for text which stands out and also eye catching cover lines which will attract me to read the magazine.
 1. I love this magazine as i think it represnts the audience really well. You have used a image which relates to your target market.
2. You could improve this by adding text in the blank areas to make the page look more full.
3. I like the image as it fills up the whole page and i love the brick wall as this also represents your target market.
4. I dislike the white cover lines as i think it dosnt make the masterhead stand out as they blend in together.
5. I look for a bold master head which grabs my attention in exsiting magazines.
1. I think this magazine relates well to your target audience and i think it attracts different markets aswell.
2. You could improve this magazine by adding more colour which make it more eyecatching and fun.
3. I like the image and the model goes well with your market audience,
4. I dislike the white coverlines as this makes the page look boring and dull.
5. I look for images which relate to my audience as i feel it is important to make the page relate to who your market is.
1. I think that this magzine is really effective as the cover lines attract the audience as they are at a funny angle which makes the reader have to concentrate on what they say.
2. You could improve this page by making the banner look more interesting as this is also one of the main features which attracts the audience.
3. I like the way the cover lines are layed out and they are not just straight as this could make the page look boring.
4. I dislike how all the colours are the same it makes the page look quite boring which would not attract me as a buyer.
5. When looking at exsiting magazines i look for colours and images and bold master heads and cover lines which encourage me to want to read the magazine.

After asking these 5 people which are in the market group i am aiming my magazine at helped me to improve my magzine as it gave me the ideas anhd thoughts to which they look for in magazines. I can relate to this and make my magazine to how they feel and want it to look.
This is what i have produced to make my magazine relate to what i had based the questions on. I have added colour to represent the fun and hype of my target audience. But i have also left some white text in which this dosnt make the page look to bright which may make it look tacky. The model also stands out more from the background due to the colours refelcting of the light colours of his jumper. I have also coloured in the words to which i think are important on the cover lines, this is going to attract the audience to them and make them encouraged in reading the magzine. I have used bright colours to represent my audience. This has been done by using bright colours as it represents my audience being fun and hyper. I have also wanted to use the colour orange as i think it blends in well with the brick wall and also the red of the models hair. This makes the magazine blend together to give it a whole feeling.

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