Friday 12 April 2013

Content page production steps

For my content page i had to think about features from exsiting magazines but also put a unique twist on to make it original.
This screen shot is showing the first step of my production, and this was to choose the colour of the background. I wanted to use a colour which was similar to the text on the front cover. As i found that the same colour which is on my cover lines on the front cover was going to be too bright for the background of the content page and this would have over powered the page and would have made it look cheap and tacky. Because i wanted an orange colour i decided to go for a more pail, and by choosing this it hasn't over powered the page and blends in with all the other features.
Step 2 was to choose the heading of the page. I decided to go for a bold text and the colour relates to the background of the bricks on the front cover. I wanted my magazines to have some sort of colour scheme throughout the magazine for it to all relate together. 

Step 3 was to add the boxes where the sub heading went into, i had to make this bold as they needed to stand out from all of the other text as they were important to direct the reader. I used a bold font to do this so it became more eyecatching and the colour of the sub heading is in black and this stands out from the vibrant orange. 
The boxes that the sub headings are in are in a rectangular shape, i used this shape as i thought it related to the shape of the bricks on the front cover image. This makes it more unusual and more of my own creation. 
Step 4 was to add the columns, i placed the columns on the left side of the page. I did this because i thought that the majority of readers read from left to right so therefore i put the most important writing on the left side. The column text is in a size 17 as i wanted to add a little line about the column to attract the audience on a question. This would then make the reader want to read as they feel encouraged. 

Step 5 was to add a editiors letter, i did this because i felt that it would make the page more personal to the reader. I also did this because i thought that it would fill up blank space which would then make my page look boring and then wouldn't attract the readers.  

Step 6 was to add a few images in the left top side of the page, i did this because i thought that it would make the page look more interesting due to the fact i did not put any on my front cover. This would then encourage people to want to read them pages as those 3 pages are the only ones with a number, this then makes it look like they are the main articles. 

Step 7 was to add a little photo of the front cover, this makes the front cover stay in the readers mind and also will make them remeber which could mean that then if there was another issue to be released then they would feel encourages to want to buy another of LISTENUPS! magazines. 

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