Sunday 21 April 2013

Front cover mock up

For me to be able to see what and how i wanted my front cover to exactly be like then i had to have some idea to what i wanted the layout and sizes to be. I had drawn a mock up and i also did a digital mock up on the computer on Adobe Photoshop. When making my mock up i was having to think about how i wanted my page to appeal to the audience. I wanted bold headings and master headings which caught the eyes of the audience. I did not want any pictures on the front cover as i thought this would make the magazine relate to a more younger audience that i wanted to appeal at.
This is a digital mock up of my front cover for my music magazine, this shows a simple layout to where i want things to be placed. The banner at the top of the page will be bold and will simply have a short catchy phrase which will encourage the audience to want to read. The master head is going to be bold and eye catching this is so that the attention will be brought to the magazine as a whole. The cover lines are also going to give clues and tasters to the audience to what they will find inside and this will then therefore make them want to read whats inside. The main cover line is the main article which is in the magazine and this will also be an eye catcher. The main cover line is the main story which relates mainly throughout the magazine. The main image is mostly always related to the main cover line aswell. The main image for my magazine will also take up all of the page and will stand out. I am wanting to use aa picture of the person i am concentrating my main article on within the magazine. The date and price of the magazine also need to be on the front cover. In my case i am going to place them either side of the main image. This just covers  blank spaces, as blank spaces will not attract people and would also make the cover look boring.

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