Monday 1 April 2013

Evaluation- Who would be the audience for your media product?

My audience for my media music magazine is teenagers in the age groups of 16-18. I make my magazine revolve around this because i used a person in the same catagory as this to model, so this makes it obvious that the magazine is aimed at them. I used colours which are not nessaserally male colours, i did this because i want my magazine to be aimed at both female and male. I achived this because i used the colour orange which both female and male like. By making my magazine uinisex then this makes it more avaiable to more people which will make my music magazine more successful. The background is a brick wall, i used this because it relates to the audience i am aiming for. It does this because i thought that most teenagers hang about shop area's and buildings and so as a result of thinking that then i thought i would make it as though he was stood in that area. The wall is plain so therefore it dosnt over power the whole page and i can put all my writng over the top but the background still have charactistics which will attract the audience i am aiming for.

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