Saturday 20 April 2013

photo shoot

This is my main image i am going to be using for my front cover. I have chosen to use this image as all the colours mix well together. The colour of the brick blends in with the models hair colours. Whereas further down the brick it becomes lighter to whereas so does the clothing of the model. After i had chosen the picture i had found that there was a stain on the jumper, it was easily solved as i used Adobe Photoshop to blend it in so it become invisible. I also like this picture as the background is plain but still has character and a theme.
This image is a good image as it represents teenagers in modern years. This image also shows the characteristics that will be in the magazine and also will make the reader feel like they interacte with the magazine as this is how they behave.There is also a variety of colours which make it stand out and to become eye catching.
This image that i had taken i did not use in my magazine as i felt like the quality of the picture wasnt suitable. With the bad lighting that was available it had gave the image a bad colour effect which made the picture look blury. But what i found effective was the background of the image, this is because the main article was about him being interviewed in his own home. By relating this to the main article made this picture really effective. With the clothes that the model is wearing stands out then it makes him more noticeable in the picture but also blends in at the same time. The dark colours goes really well with the pail and nuteral colours of the background. The model is also standing casual, by him posing like this also relates back to the main article to him being interviewed in his own home.
I really like this picture as the colours of the image are really dark but the image overall is really bright and eye catching. I wanted the image to be really dark as it relates to the main article were there are sad and depressing bits, but the bright, circluar parts of the image represent the hope and the good bits of the main article. I had taken this photo in a dark room and put a circle object around the camera lence togive the circle effect in the dark when the flash on the camera came on. This is really effective because it drags all the attention of the image on to the model.
I really like this photo but there are points to where i dislike. As i had taken this photo with a camera and made the angle look like he was taking a self taken photo, the original photo i had taken before editing the colours had been delete by accident. Also the window in the background does not give it a profesional look. But on the otherhand it relates to the main article of him being in his own home. The close up shot which was taken drags the attention to the models fearures of the face and expression.

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