Wednesday 10 April 2013

Double page spread mock up

This is a hand drawn page of my double page spread mock up, i had also decided to do this as i wanted a rough idea to how i wanted it to look in my final production. The heading and the sub heading are both at the top of the page but the heading is in the right hand corner as this is the first important piece of information the reader had to read, and the sub heading is at the left hand side. By  placing them in different sides of the page dosnt just fill the page up but it also makes it look different and interesting. The image is very large as it takes up half the left hand page up, this is effective because it drags attention to the page and will encourage people to read the article, which is the main purpose of the double page spread. I also placed a small image on the page to make it look more fun and not to serious for my audience.
When producing the double page spread i had made changes and these where i put a bold quote in the midde of the article for it to look different and orignal. I had also put another small image undernearth the quote, this results the article being persoanl to the person in interviewed.

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